Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bots, Blooms, and Barbarous Fathers

Before anybody freaks out about my talking about barbarous fathers... I'm mostly just referencing this article by Danny Westneat.  For those of you who don't know, I'm a fan of his writing and usually agree with what he has to say.  Not sure about this time, but I found the article amusing.

In other news, I think bots found my blog.  I logged into blogger today to see some lovely pageview stats.  I didn't quite manage to do the math but it appears as though my blog was visited by 3 people every 5-6 hours.

Of course, there's a few anomalies, but that's no reason not to be amused and curious.  Almost all of these views came from Google Chrome, so I think maybe Google has three bots (rather than, I dunno, Google, Yahoo, and Bing all using Chrome to search through web pages...)

In other news, I would like to send a shout out to three guys who bought flowers for girls this week.  When I was biking back to my dorm from some errand on Pomona campus, I ran into a couple of guys who had bought a bouquet of brightly colored flowers and were standing on a corner passing them out to all the passing girls.  I'm not sure if it was the gorgeous orange flower I got that made me happiest... or the guy giving it to me: as I mentioned, I was biking.  When he saw me, he started yelling excitedly: "HANDOFF! HANDOFF!  Don't stop riding!"  I was biking about walking speed, because my bike/lungs can't handle going much faster uphill (unintentional single speed bike), yet he was still incredibly excited to be handing me a flower while I was riding my bike.

See the pretty orange flower?
Oh, and the rest of the flowers?  My boyfriend bought me flowers for the first time on Sunday.  He even almost managed to surprise me!  :)

(And yes, I'm proud of my awesome alliteration.)


  1. good job on the flowers tyler =p

  2. I hope that wasn't Tyler :P

    Also, random news: this was my 60th post!
