Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unexpected feeling of freedom

I dropped a class this semester for the first time.

Okay, second time (not counting rearranging my schedule before classes start).  But the other time I'd only attended the first class, and I found a replacement later that day.  This semester, I dropped a class a couple hours before the drop deadline, after a conversation with my mom which made me realize that not only had I not liked the class all semester, it a) wasn't going to change and b) wasn't necessary.  It was a class I was taking completely by choice, only because I wanted to.  It just didn't end up being what I'd expected.

Somehow, as I suppose will happen, that time on Tuesday evenings I got back quickly got filled with homework.  Not that my homework load is any worse... I've just had a much harder time getting anything (important) done since my grandma passed away.  (I say important because I've done a surprising amount of crocheting and hanging out with friends...)

That's where I realize how glad I am I dropped that class.  No more dreading Tuesdays, like I did for 8 weeks.  No more sitting through two and a half hours (if he doesn't go over) of detailed explanation on HVAC systems, while everything I want to learn about gets pushed aside.  No more projects for a professor who truly doesn't understand that we have other classes, who thinks we can do the same amount of work in less time than his summer interns and new hires.  It was freedom!

Enough ranting, though.  I'd wanted to learn something in that class.  My disappointment in the stuff he wasn't teaching made me realize how much I want to learn about green building and the kind of tradeoffs that need to be made when seeking sustainability.  I want to know about renewable energy, and low to no VOC carpeting and paints.  So, with what should be my small amount of extra free time after dropping this class, I want to focus on doing just that.

Since I have problems motivating myself to research for the point of researching (when I could be crocheting or making rugs out of old t-shirts), I'm going to try to focus this blog a bit towards green technology.  I worked as a green tech/news blogger for a bit and then the group updating the website stopped, so I'm back on my own.  I have some interesting articles and thoughts lined up already, but if any of you see anything I might be interested in, let me know.

I hope you all enjoy!


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