I think I wanted to post something two weeks ago, but apparently that didn't happen. Here I am at the end of another month, looking back on my month's goals...
1. Cut unnecessary spending: done. My main goal was to finish February having spent less money than I earned, and I succeeded, even though my next paycheck is tomorrow. Tomorrow! I'm going to get 3 in March, apparently! The success was only by 5 dollars, but I wasn't cutting back on my food, and food is my main expense, so I'm still proud of myself. I'll try to keep it up in March.
2. Keep in touch with friends: done. Sorta. My intent was to connect with someone every day and that may have happened? It's surprising how much I text people. I definitely feel a bit more in touch with certain people now than I did before, but there are others who I still feel the need to contact again. Like my cousin... I need to not forget to call him back.
3. Cut internet / time wasting and spend more time with more relaxing breaks. I forgot about this one, actually, but I have significantly cut my internet time... I'm not sure if that came with prioritizing other kinds of breaks or just with being busier. I know part of it, however, is that I'm now reading magazines with breakfast instead of being on the computer... and that's The Economist, so it feels productive too.
I'm starting to realize that there's a few different types of goals I could have. There are the "in general, I want to _______" goals, like spending less than I earn and cutting internet time. Then you have to-do list type goals, like "I want to knit a scarf", etc. Finally, there are the daily challenges. Its probably good to figure out what each goal is when I start rather than get halfway and be like "heyyyyy, I thought I was going to do something every day but I think I'm still in the spirit of it."
March is going to be interesting, since not only does it have Spring Break in it, it also is bound to be less stressful than February was. I haven't really thought about things I want to do this month, so lets see what comes of this.
1. Stop complaining about generic business or tiredness. There's a culture around here, it feels like, of competing to be the busiest and the tiredest. And where does it really leave us? Now, if I'm legitimately feeling stressed or couldn't sleep, that's one thing. But if I'm feeling generally pretty good, I don't think I should be complaining. This is a sort of wishy-washy goal but we'll see what happens.
2. Finally write up the pattern for my crochet narwhal and post it for sale on Ravelry. It just needs to happen.
3. Catch up on Economist so I'm reading the most current one, not one from 2-3 weeks ago. (Sooner rather than later, methinks).
4. Now for something fun: I want to do a photo a day challenge. I guess I don't need to explain that one. Maybe I'll try to post pictures here, and try to take pictures with stories.
Something inspiring: http://dharmacomics.com/
Edit: 5. Update the design here and on Unintended Nachos. I can has web design?
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